information about Cat In English
information about Cat In English cat information
In this article Information about Cat In English cat information will talk interesting about the cat. A cat is a pet that is found around us. It is found around our house and it is a very interesting creature. Its main prey is a rat. Tom's character in the cute cartoon cartoon Tom and Jerry is of a cat.
cat Information In English Information about cat -
1. Cat is found all over the world where human population lives.
2. A cat has a tail and four legs. The nails of the cat's toes are very sharp, making it easy to catch prey. The cat has 5 - 5 fingers in both its front legs and 4 - 4 fingers in its hind legs.
3. Like a cat's claw, her teeth are also pointed so that she rips the prey.
4. The cat has soft hair on its body which is of different colors. The color of the cat is determined by the color of hair. Cats are found in colors like black, brown, white.
5. Cat's cat eyes are scary like tiger and their eyes are brown in color.
6. A cat is a pet that is reared everywhere in the world. It is like a close friend of man and is a member of our environment. The cat is most reared in North America.
8. The cat is a lazy nature animal who keeps sleeping for 14 hours a day.
9. The main prey of the cat is a rat found in homes. The cat is the innate predator of the rat. It is also a favorite food of the cat.
essay on cat in english essay on cat
10. Cat Cat has very fast eyesight and its sniffing power is also high, so it sniffs the prey from far away.
11. The body of the cat is light and flexible, so that if the cat falls from a building, it does not feel comfortable.
12. Cat enemies are hunting dogs that hunt them.
13. China is a country where cats and dogs are eaten by humans.
14. In India, black cat is considered bad omen, but in Japan, black cat is an omen.
15. The cat's main voice is meow but the cat can make up to 100 kinds of sounds.
16. It is a very interesting fact that if the cat is allowed to eat chocolate, it can also die.
17. The cat has three eyelashes above its eyes.
18. Cats are both vegetarian and non-vegetarian.
19. Cats like humans are right and left handed. They do not have a cat's hands but they use both their front legs as hands.
information about Cat In English cat information
20. The pet cat cat has a lifespan of more than 15 years but the wild cat has a lifespan of 2 to 4 years.
21. The cat's gestation lasts for 64 days and it gives birth to 4 to 7 babies at a time. Kittens are blind at birth.
22. The cat's urine glows even in the dark and the sweet taste in the cat's mouth is not sensible, due to which the cat does not experience sweet taste.
23. Cats also have a mustache which has hair around 12.
24. The cat should not be weaned because the cat cannot digest it due to the lactose present in the milk.
25. The cat does not see colors correctly.
26. The cat does not sweat and the cat does not like to get wet in water because his body does not work properly.
27. In ancient Egypt, the cat was worshiped as a goddess, and the Egyptians of that time would get their eyebrows shaved when the cat died.
28. Cat also drinks saline sea water because sea water gets filtered in cat's kidney.
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