Information about wolf
Wolf Information In
It is a social animal that lives by forming a herd. It also hunts in flocks. It also hunts big cattle. Wolf Wolf's DNA is 99 percent of that found in dogs. The wolf has 200 million smelling cells, while humans have 5 million. The wolf can smell more than 15 kilometers. The male wolf is larger and heavier than the female wolf. The weight of a male wolf varies from 50 to 70 kg.
The female wolf has a gestation period of 65 days. Wolf children are blind at birth. The wolf is 15 to 20 years old. The wolf also knows how to swim and can also swim in the water and chase its prey.
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The wolf is also hunted because its skins are used to make warm coats. The wolf can make the kind of sound that he calls his fellow wolves. There are a lot of wolves in Alaska, USA. The wolf is found in Canada, Eastern Europe, Asia in addition to Alaska. The color of wolf found in Alaska is gray. There is also a red wolf in the world.
The wolf lives by creating a Wolf family. The family consists of large wolf, small wolf. Children of wolves live with their parents. When a lamb is born, its eyes are blue but when they are 8 months old, the eyes become pale. Essay On Wolf In Hindi
It is a powerful creature and has pointed teeth. The wolf runs over the claw, keeping his pace balanced and fast. In this way, the wolf can turn easily by running. The wolf has great hearing power and can hear sounds from 6 miles away.
About Wolf In Hindi
The wolf comes in dangerous predators such as the lion's count and it is dangerous because the wolf hunts in the herd, which gives them more strength. The wolves talk in gestures to contact the other wolves of their flock.
Dogs originated from the wolf itself, the wolf must have been domesticated by humans, which changed over time into wolves and transformed into dogs. Wolves do not bark like dogs, they remain calm and hide. There is also such mythology about wolves that when a wolf kills a human, he too becomes a wolf.
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