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information about monkey information about monkey in english

Information about monkey Information about Monkey In English

information about monkey in english monkey information in english

The monkey monkey is an interesting creature that is very well liked due to its physical structure and nature. In this post, information and essays about the monkey will talk about Information About Monkey In English.

1. These monkeys jumping and jumping from one place to another are really amazing. The monkey is a mischievous and intelligent creature who is easily groomed to be domesticated.

2. Monkey animals are found all over the world whether it is Africa or Asia. The new monkey, which is different from the monkeys of Asia and Africa, is found in America.

3. Monkeys monkey meet on the forests and mountains but sometimes they also come towards the cities. Monkeys will also be seen near the zoo and Madari.

4. Ancient monkeys in Asia and Africa have 32 teeth and US monkeys have 36 teeth.

5. So far 264 species of monkeys have been discovered.

6. The main food of the monkey is flowers, fruits and leaves. As such, it is a vegetarian creature but also eats insects. Information About Monkey In English

7. Apart from humans, the monkey is a creature that eats banana peel.

8. DNA of humans and monkeys is found up to 98%.

9. A normal monkey lives for 15 to 35 years.

10. It is very strange that when male monkeys call female monkeys for sex, then they urinate on hands and rub it all over the body.

11. Monkey is also a social organism that lives in herds.

12. The color of the monkey is different. It is also available in different sizes.

Essay On Monkey In English 

13. World Monkey Day is celebrated every year on 14 December.

14. The monkey has four legs but it uses both its front legs like hands. Then whether it is to break food or to grab one branch and jump on another branch.

15. Do you know that monkeys can learn to count.

16. The monkey has four legs but it uses both its front legs as hands. Whether it is to break food or to grab one branch and jump on another branch.

17. The monkey also runs faster than his legs but loves to jump on trees.

18. According to Charles Darwin, man was the first monkey. Due to gradual development, physical and mental changes took place in him and became humans. According to them the monkey is our ancestor.

monkey information in english -

19. Monkeys are also used for entertainment whether it is a circus game or a roadside sports madari.

20. Monkey Monkey's eyes also weaken over time just like a normal human. The monkey works as a waiter in a restaurant in Japan.

21. Monkeys talk to each other in gestures.

22. The world's smallest monkey is named Pygmy Marmoset, which is so small it can come on our palm. The length of this monkey is 4 inches and weighs 100 grams.

23. The monkey scream called Howler can be heard up to 5 kilometers away.

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