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Information About Parrot In English

Information about Parrot Information About Parrot In English

Parrot is a sensible bird which is also affectionately called Mittu. Information about Parrot In English has information about parrot bird. So friends, let's do interesting things in the form of Essay On Parrot In English.

          Parrot information in English 

Information about Parrot Information About Parrot In English

1. Parrot is a sensible bird that can be easily domesticated.

2. A parrot is a copycat and it can kill anything. It can also speak in human voice.

3. The habitat of parrots are hollow trees which are called kotar.

4. A parrot is identified by its green color and twisted red beak.

5. A parrot is a vegetarian creature that eats fruits, seeds, seeds, peppers, leaves. Fruits like mango, guava are dear to it. It catches food in its paws and then breaks it with a beak and eats it.
       Parrot information in English 

6. It is found all over the world. It is also found everywhere in India. Mostly it is found in hot places.

7. The average age of a parrot is between 15 and 20 years.

8. There is a red colored circle on the neck of some Toto. These parrots are called parrot-shaped parrots.

9. Parrots are domesticated and kept in a cage.

Essay on parrot Essay On Parrot In English

10. More than 350 species of parrots have been discovered.

        Parrot information in English 

11. Parrots like to live in herds. Parrots are affectionately called mittu.

12. Some species of parrots are colorful. The scientific name of the parrot is Sitacula Camry.

13. The name of the world's smallest parrot is Pygmy Parrot which is finger shaped.

14. Parrot is the only bird that eats food by pressing it in the claw.

15. In the Guinness Book of Word records the name of a parrot who lived for 82 years. The name of this parrot was Cookie.

16. A parrot named Kakapo weighs so much that it does not fly properly, so wild animals are easily hunted by it. This species is on the verge of extinction.

17. The speed of flying a parrot is very fast.

18. Male and female parrots look alike and require a blood test to identify them.

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