Pigeon Information Information About Pigeon In English
Friends, like a sparrow bird, a pigeon lives around our house. It is found abundantly. Information about Pigeon In English know the information of pigeon.
Information About Pigeon
information about Pigeon In English pigeon information
1. Pigeon Pigeon is a beautiful bird found all over the world.
2. This bird also has a beak and has two wings which are helpful in flying. The flying speed of a pigeon is 50 to 60 kilometers per hour.
3. Pigeon has a small head and there is a skin membrane between this head and beak. The pigeon has two short legs, which are helpful in catching the branches of trees and trees.
4. The main food of pigeon bird is grains, fruits, pulses and seeds.
5. The pigeons of India are white and gray in color.
6. Pigeon is said to be a symbol of peace because it is a creature of calm nature.
Information About Pigeon
Essay on Pigeon in English - Kabutar Ki Jankari
7. In ancient times, pigeons were used to send messages. The pigeon that carried the message during the war was also known as warlike pigeon.
8. Pigeons are always found in flocks. The lifespan of a pigeon is from 6 to 10 years.
9. Pigeon Pigeon is also domesticated. White pigeon is also reared in homes. The pigeon has been reared for more than 6000 years.
10. Pigeons make their nest on large buildings and buildings.
11. The pigeon is very fast, so that it can easily deliver any message to the destination.
12. Pigeons can also kill Gulati in the air, so that they protect themselves from hunters.
Information About Pigeon
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